
Comprehensive Multi Year Curriculum

As a community, we have studied the biography of the Prophet (and early Muslim history), may peace be upon him, numerous times. Here, however, we are making two fundamental changes. First, we are using the brilliant, popular television series “Omar” produced by MBC as our textbook.

Second, through critical analysis we are diving deep into the story of the Prophet and companions, in ways you have never experienced. This approach will enhance your understanding of the Prophet’s life in ways you may not have thought about before.

This curriculum has over 400 lessons and over 200 hours of classroom instruction. It is designed for full time schools and students of knowledge.

Track Specific Curriculum

An alternate mode of studying the biography of the Prophet (and early Muslim history), may peace be upon him, is to study threads or tracks in the numerous stories. The Prophet’s biography and history of the companions provides an astonishing wealth of threads of study. We have designed a framework with the following tracks

In this program, we select a number of specific threads for in-depth, thematic learning from the Prophet’s story.

Responsibilities to

to Family

Responsibility to
Neighborhood &

Responsibility to
the World

Management Skills


This curriculum has 130 lessons and 80 hours of classroom instruction. It is designed to be covered in one calendar year and can be utilized by full time schools and professionals to get a comprehensive yet abridged version of specific tracks within the Seerah and early Muslim history.

Deen Intensive Format

At times we need a strong, short, intense dosage of knowledge to help reorient and ground us. In the week-long format we provide instruction in a few threads derived from the life of the Prophet, may peace be upon him. Imagine a week long course on the following tracks:

Responsibilities to

to Family

Responsibility to
Neighborhood &

Management Skills

Responsibility to
the World


This is a seven day program with 56 hours of classroom instruction. It is designed for intense study and is also suitable for diverse audiences.

Individual Topics

The lessons we can acquire through the Prophet’s life can provide us numerous tools for the different parts of our world. Here we provide microcourses on everything ranging from care for the environment to governance. Some of the topics that are included in this curriculum include the following topics:

Marriage and
Family Life

Self Affirmation in
the Seerah

Particulars of
Experience vs Universals of

Nature & Man’s
Relationship to
Natural World

Seerah and the
Importance of

Women on Front

Economic Transactions,
Fair Trade and Ethics

Managing Plague
and Scientific

We have frameworked a total of 25 Individual Topics (8 listed above) and the classroom instruction varies from 2 to 20 hours per topic. The instruction is custom tailored to the audience to provide a contextualized deep dive into the subject matter.

Our pricing ranges from $75 per individual per month to $3000 per month for full time schools. Please contact us for further details.